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45,178 chatty comments by "Korban"
- Posted Aug 06, 2005 10:17am PDT It's just a way to piss off people that steal code from other sites. there's nothing inefficient about it. it's just a bunch of extra lines. the...
- Posted Aug 05, 2005 9:04pm PDT ok, fine EIGHT years ago... either way, i doubt valve has even really done anything useful since the release of HL2, even though they said TF2...
- Posted Aug 05, 2005 7:59pm PDT haha, kinda like sorta possibly maybe thinking about considering toying with the notion of actually doing work on a game that was suppose to be...
- Posted Aug 05, 2005 7:32pm PDT Is that like Director's Commentaries on DVD's? I haven't played Riddick
- Posted Aug 05, 2005 6:59pm PDT blah blah blah, where's TF2?
- Posted Aug 05, 2005 12:30pm PDT Dedicated server is running, now how do I find out the port and IP for you guys? Never ran a Q2 server before. (repost, replied to wrong one)
- Posted Aug 05, 2005 12:26pm PDT Dedicated server is running, now how do I find out the port and IP for you guys? Never ran a Q2 server before.
- Posted Aug 05, 2005 12:06pm PDT I HAVE FOUND MY Q2 INSTALL CD! Anyone else? I'm gonna get an LMCTF ded-server going on my desktop and see how well it handels.
- Posted Aug 05, 2005 8:16am PDT Really? I'm gonna try to get intouch with him and find out whatever I can about the mod and bringing it into the 21st century of gaming.
- Posted Aug 05, 2005 8:11am PDT It may have been lost... but it can be rebuilt :-) I just downloaded all the files needed to play 5.2. I'm only a computer animator, I can only...
- Posted Aug 05, 2005 7:55am PDT Where in the world can I download the Ded Server files for Q2 & LMCTF? I wanna set this thing up and see how many players we get.
- Posted Aug 05, 2005 7:33am PDT I believe you're right. This mod introduced a hella lot of new features to Q2 and CTF. I'm actually considering getting intouch with the creators...
- Posted Aug 05, 2005 7:23am PDT That's what I'm talking aboot! I wish I knew where my Q2 cd was so I could install it and get a game going. I'm sure I could get a dedicated...
- Posted Aug 05, 2005 6:51am PDT Oh come on, now! NOBODY remembers LMCTF ?!?!?!?!?!
- Posted Aug 05, 2005 6:43am PDT Wow... who's ready for a blast from the past? Who remembers LMCTF? It was a CTF mod for Quake 2. I'm thinking about finding my old Q2 cd,...